Phone: (701) 809-5370
Beat The Odds: Therapeutic Drumming Circle for Children
Beat The Odds is a drumming circle that was developed at UCLA to be utilized as a socioemotional development program. It is at the intersection of group therapy and drumming circles.
Children love Beat The Odds. It is fun, interactive and a way to express oneself creatively. It is an engaging intervention that allows for a full-body experience with multisensory input instead of traditional therapy.
Beat The Odds includes interventions for the following:
Team building through rhythmic activities
Developing empathy and compassion
Leadership skills Expressing gratitude
Developing awareness of self and others
Enhancing communication
Expression of affect/feelings
Stress reduction
Learning affect modulation
Enhancing social skills Sharing/collaboration
Positive affirmations
Positive risk-taking
It is facilitated drumming utilized as a healing modality. It’s not just about drumming. It’s about connection and community.
Beat The Odds is an evidence-based AND trauma-informed treatment.
Research done by researchers at UCLA “BTO can significantly reduce a spectrum of behavioral problems in children, such as behaviors related to inattention, withdrawn/depression, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, attention deficit/hyperactivity, oppositional defiance, and sluggish temp (Ho, Tsao, Bloch, & Zeltzer, 2011)” (From, 4.3.19).
Referral Information:
Beat The Odds: Therapeutic Drumming Circle
Where: Chrysalis Behavioral Health Services and Training Center
When: Tuesdays 4:10-4:50 pm (40 minutes) 8 sessions
If you have a child you feel may benefit feel free to refer for future groups.
Who to refer:
Children with a diagnosed mental/behavioral health diagnosis (i.e., anxiety, depression, ADHD, oppositional or defiant disorder, bipolar, adjustment disorder, etc.)
It is a mixed gender and mixed diagnosis group for ages 7-12 years.
Participants need to have a diagnostic assessment (which may be done at Chrysalis Behavioral Health or another clinic/agency). This allows us to bill insurances. Each potential participant will need to be seen for at least one individual therapy session with parents/guardians present to discuss current diagnosis, symptoms and treatment and to discuss whether the drumming circle would benefit him/her.
Refer to Chrysalis Behavioral Health Services (701) 809-5370. Staff will set up the initial appointment and get ROIs for intakes/records for billing purposes.